I was reading someone's blog and they asked what it was that reminded you of your child/children. When it comes to Taylor, I remember this elephant.
Taylor had just had major brain surgery in 2003. The day after the surgery, she had a stroke. She remained in the PICU, in a coma, for several days. Her older sisters, they were 19 & 21, bought her this elephant in the hospital gift shop. They laid it in the bed next to her. When she came out of her coma, she grabbed this elephant and she would suck on its trunk. I have no clue why, but to this day, it's the only stuffed animal Taylor will have anything to do with.
Since we have begun the process of planning for when Taylor leaves us, I have debated whether or not I will put the elephant with her or if I will keep it to hold on to when those moments come.
This is Joyce. What an adorable elephant, and one that holds so many memories. That would be such a tough decision for me too. Do you send it along on the next journey of life or to keep it to comfort the hole in your heart as she moves on. Ugh I don't think I am much help. Maybe you could keep it and take it with you when you go for a visit with Taylor.
I like her idea and think its a great one. You would just be borrowing it for a little while.
I think I found your blog through Blogzilly a few weeks ago (have you changed your layout), but I can't remember for sure. (if I commented already, try not to laugh at me too hard :). Then I saw a comment you made on Our Hummus is Homemade that your daughter has hundreds of seizures a day. I had to click over.
I was wondering if Taylor had I.S. before she had LGS? My 8-month old daughter Ella has IS, diagnosed three months ago. She's doing really well right now, and so we're just waiting and seeing how she'll do developmentally. Waiting is hard, not knowing is hard, but knowing "bad" news I think would be harder.
I admire your strength, and I am glad you are sharing your perspective here.
That is a hard one and I don't know what I would do...
In some ways sending it for Taylor seems like it would make you feel like she had something that was important to her...but I also see that it could comfort you.
Hope your heart tells you what is best when that time comes...
Tot Locs are THE BEST! Seriously.
Thank you for sharing. It breaks my heart your having to make decisions like this. I've heard from a lot of people that they buy a second stuffed animal to keep and send the original with their child... I personally kept my sons elephant. It was with him the entire time he was here and in heaven, I figure he's got much better things to play with.
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